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Complexitat is the Catalan Network for the Study of Complex Systems. Complexitat brings together researchers from disparate disciplines with the goal of promoting the research and popularization of complexity science.

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Leyes matemáticas en el uso del lenguaje Published on Sept. 8, 2016

Identificando similitudes climáticas Published on July 21, 2016

Matemáticas, sistemas complejos y el Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos Published on May 21, 2015

Complejidad en redes peer-to-peer Published on May 18, 2015

La teoria de la probabilitat i el Barça-Madrid Published on April 28, 2015

Ciència de les xarxes Published on March 21, 2015

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COMPLEXITAT Catalan Network for the Study of Complex Systems

The greatest challenges faced by society lay at the interface between traditional scientific disciplines--chemistry and economics, social sciences and computer science, physics and biology. A common characteristic of these challenges is that they involve many components that influence each other in nontrivial ways; in this sense, these are complex systems. With many recognized researchers in complex systems, Catalonia has become an international hub for complexity science. COMPLEXITAT is the Catalan Network for the Study of Complex Systems. COMPLEXITAT brings together researchers from disparate disciplines with the goal of promoting the research and popularization of complexity science in Catalonia.

Statistical physics

Statistical physics uses methods of probability theory and statistics to solve problems involving large populations.

Complex networks

In complex systems, individual components interact with each other giving rise to complex networks of interactions that are neither totally regular nor totally random.

Data science

Large-scale data analysis requires new tools and new approaches at the interface of statistics, statistical and machine learning, network theory and statistical physics.

Social complexity

From individuals to societies: a new framework to understand socio-economic systems.

Climate and Earth science

Building a quantitative understanding of how the Earth system works and how it evolved to its current state.

Biological systems

Understanding the behavior complex biological systems calls for new computational and mathematical modeling approaches.

Latest posts

Leyes matemáticas en el uso del lenguaje

Leyes matemáticas en el uso del lenguaje

La cuidadosa y precisa elección de las palabras por parte del escritor es un ingrediente básico de la buena literatura. Cada autor posee la libertad de elegir qué palabra usar en cada instante de un libro; ...

Identificando similitudes climáticas

Muchos sistemas naturales pueden verse como conjuntos de unidades dinámicas que inter...

Matemáticas, sistemas complejos y el Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos

¿Es posible diseñar algoritmos matemáticos capaces de predecir las decisione...

Complejidad en redes peer-to-peer

BitTorrent, el protocolo peer-to-peer (P2P) más popular para compartir ficheros, es respon...

La teoria de la probabilitat i el Barça-Madrid

Els tertulians esportius són una espècie diferent. Més encara que els tertul...

Ciència de les xarxes

En què s’assemblen una persona i un medicament? No, no és cap acudit. Per a u...

Upcoming events


Mariano Marzo CarpioSeniorUniversity of Barcelona

Sergi LozanoSeniorIPHES

Oriol Cabanas TirapuJuniorUniversitat Rovira i Virgili

Jorge MedinaJuniorCentre de Recerca Matemàtica

Participating institutions